Since beginning this semester, as well as Sweeney's Lit Reader, we have read a handful of short stories. With each short story being unique in it's own way I found a way to read between the lines and relate to each story someway or another. Although I found it easy to relate somehow to each one I found that one in particular seemed to catch my interest quite a bit more than the rest.
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. This story, to me, had many many hidden feelings and emotions that which were only briefly surpassed by the writer leaving it up to the reader to pick up on each comment and take them into consideration to better put together this story. When I personally began to think of the meanings behind the feelings I realized how relatable his feelings are to many others, including myself. I feel as if though he just felt stuck. As if life was just predestined in every way. The character was a Native American, clearly a minority, doing his best to exceed and surpass his native ways by attending high school with another race as well as dating a woman of another race and attending college with another race. He tried hard to succeed in ways that differed from what he would have following his native roots and in a way I guess it could be argued that he did indeed do just that, by going above and beyond the typical Native American ways, but inside he was still just trying to find where he fit. Although he was Native American, he acted as though he was Caucasian by attending Caucasian schools and dating a Caucasian woman but never forgetting his roots.
I know that that was a very fast and brief explanation of the story but being as this is a blog entry and not a novel explaining the story it will have to do but there's just one major point I would like to make. Aren't we all a minority, individually? There is only one us and each one of us never really "fit" into everything we desire to do or become throughout our life. We have all at one point or another experienced loneliness and the feeling as if we are a minority in a certain environment but choosing to be brave and continue on with our lives just as The Lone Ranger chose to do and accepting our failures and getting back up to follow through with our desires no matter how daunting or how many people you may have pulling against us we'll find that we will eventually some way or another make it in the end. I do not know how this story ended but if I had to guess I would say he eventually found himself by accepting his individual differences and by accepting them did he learn that he truly fit anywhere he wanted to be because no one is indeed the same.
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