Soooooo, Saturday September, 21st my fiancé and I decided to take some much needed alone time and go see a movie together. We pulled up Fandango on our phones and searched through the movie options and both decided we would like to see the movie, The Prisoners. It's safe to say that I had seen the preview for the movie multiple times and found myself intrigued but I did not realize how intense of a movie it would actually be. This movie was not necessarily scary but much more realistic and that I think is what got to me the most.
This movie was based around two young girls that were abducted from their neighborhood one evening and their parents pursuit to find them and get them home safely with or without the help of the law. They had a pretty good idea of who they thought took their children or who at least knew due to the fact that they had been caught climbing on a strange RV outside their homes by their older siblings. The law tracked down the RV and found that a young man in his younger 20's most likely used it for fun on the summer nights. They took him in for further questioning only to learn that his IQ was one of a 10 year old. Well, this information was not exactly good enough for one of the girls' fathers. After the young man was released, the particular young girls' father went to the young man's house and abducted him for his own personal questioning and torture. To make a long story short, the young girls were found. They were abducted by the young man's "Aunt" who actually turned out to be his own abductor.
Now, keeping in mind that the young girls were indeed the prisoners in this movie and some may even argue that the particular detective assigned to the case was the prisoner but I personally would argue that the real prisoner in this movie would be the young man with the IQ of a 10 year old. This young man was taken himself when he was not much older than the girls by his "Aunt". She kept him and "raised" him to believe that he was indeed hers and that he needed her. He was brain washed and he was neglected to the point where he never grew intellectually. He was set up by this woman that he so called his "Aunt" to where he drove the RV, in this case the get-away vehicle and she was never to be seen inside leaving him to be the one that is seen as the kidnapper. This, in my opinion, led to the young girls father abducting him from outside of his home and taking him to a secluded, condemned, old apartment complex to torture him until he gave up the known whereabouts of the young girls. Needless to say, he never spoke a word about their whereabouts and he was tortured to death.
While everyone in the movie theater including my fiancé anticipated the rescue of the young girls, I anticipated the mercy and rescue of the young man only to be disappointed. I know what you're thinking, "How could you even care about a soul-less individual such as he! Wouldn't you do the same to if they were your little girls!?!" Now let's take a moment to reflect. This young man had a KNOWN and ACKNOWLEDGED IQ of a 10 year old by law enforcements. He himself was abducted by his "Aunt". Whether or not he knows the whereabouts of the two little girls, which in the case he did, he is not the one that should've been pursued as he was. I'm sure he himself had been threatened and he was terrified not only of his "Aunt" but of the parents of the young girls and the law that honestly believed that he was responsible. He was truly stuck between a rock and a hard place. Next, we should know that yelling and scaring a sensitive individual will not force him or her to give over any answers that he or she may know. By torturing him, that only made the fathers situation worse. You cannot scream at an individual, especially and child or in this case a young man with the IQ of one, and expect him to trust you enough to relay the information. Torturing him did not bring those little girls home. Patience and professionalism did. Those little girls got to return home safely to their warm beds and loving families and he was left to die. Hearing his screams for help during this movie wrenched my heart. If my children were taken I would be lost, devastated, anxious, bitter etc. but I would also know that torturing a clearly innocent, mentally disabled person would not bring my children home and at the end of the day, I could not sleep knowing what I had done. It is not my choice to decide who lives and who dies. Believe me when I say I would protect myself and my family in emergency situations and if harming someone in the process was what I needed to do then I would, but let me also say that I would have to KNOW for a fact who committed such things against my family or have caught him or her in the act and I still most likely would have a hard time sleeping at night knowing that I had to make the decision on someone's life.
(the young man being pinned down by the young girl's father)
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